По слухам, AMD планирует пропустить RDNA 4 и интегрировать RDNA 5 в процессоры Zen 6 Медуза.

Технологический портал сообщает, что AMD может пропустить использование архитектуры графических процессоров RDNA 4 для предполагаемых процессоров Zen 6.


AMD might skip RDNA 4 in favor of Zen 6 CPUs.

🎮 Highlights

  • “Medusa” could feature integrated RDNA 5 GPU instead of RDNA 4, with 2.5D interconnect for faster bandwidth speed than Zen 5.
  • Zen 6 client CPU rumored to use a smaller process node like 2nm or 3nm.
  • RDNA 5 series is expected in Zen 6 APU for the next-gen Xbox console in 2028, offering a balance of CPU cores with GPU.

Hey gamers, get ready for some exciting news in the world of CPUs! It seems like AMD is shaking things up again with its upcoming Zen 6 “Medusa” client CPUs. 🐍 According to rumors, AMD might be skipping RDNA 4 in favor of an integrated RDNA 5 GPU. And that’s not all, folks! There are whispers about the Zen 6 CPUs using a smaller process node, possibly 2nm or 3nm. Let’s dive into the details of this fantastic speculation.

Zen 6 Skipping RDNA 4 for RDNA 5

The leaked FTC documents from September 2023 hinted at Microsoft’s plans to use a Zen 6 APU from AMD for its next-gen Xbox console. 🎮 This APU is expected to feature an RDNA 5 GPU. Now, if AMD is integrating RDNA 5 into the Zen 6 APU, it’s safe to assume that the same architecture will make its way into the Zen 6 client CPUs as well.

But what’s so special about RDNA 5, you may ask? Well, it’s all about that sweet, sweet bandwidth speed. This new architecture could offer faster data transfer rates with its 2.5D interconnects compared to Zen 5. Imagine the information flowing through your CPU at lightning speed! ⚡️ To further boost the performance, there might be a chiplet with a new RDNA 5 tile and GDDR7 memory, providing outstanding gaming experiences.

And it doesn’t stop there. AMD is also rumored to use a smaller process node for Zen 6, possibly 2nm or 3nm. This means more transistors packed into a smaller space, resulting in improved efficiency and performance. 🚀 If these rumors turn out to be true, the Zen 6 CPUs could be in a league of their own.

Zen 6 and the Next-Gen Xbox Console

According to the leaked documents, the next-gen Xbox console, expected to launch in 2028, will be powered by a Zen 6 APU with an integrated RDNA 5 GPU. This APU will bring together “big” and “little” CPU cores, offering balanced processing power alongside the cutting-edge graphics capabilities of RDNA 5.

While enthusiasts in the PC gaming community may have expected a shift to RDNA 5, others may be disappointed with the potential of RDNA 4 being a mere stopgap. Some consider it to be just a minor upgrade to the existing RDNA 3 GPU found in cards like the Radeon RX 7800 XT. Nevertheless, the improved bandwidth of Zen 6 CPUs could make them quite enticing for PC gamers. Paired with an RDNA 5 GPU, it could be a match made in gaming heaven. 🌟

Now, let’s address some burning questions you might have about Zen 6 and RDNA 5.


Q: When can we expect Zen 6 CPUs to be released? A: While there is no official confirmation yet, current speculation points towards a release in 2025 or 2026.

Q: Will Zen 6 CPUs be compatible with existing motherboards? A: It’s hard to say for sure at this stage. CPU and motherboard compatibility is often subject to chipset updates, so it’s possible that new motherboards might be required to fully utilize the Zen 6 CPUs’ capabilities.

Q: How will the integration of RDNA 5 affect gaming performance? A: With the improved bandwidth and potential advancements in GPU architecture, it’s safe to assume that gaming performance will be significantly enhanced, offering smoother gameplay and more immersive experiences. However, we’ll have to wait for official benchmarks to know for sure.


Q: Будет ли меньший процессный узел, используемый в процессорах Zen 6, приводить к лучшей энергоэффективности? A: Меньшие процессные узлы обычно приводят к улучшению энергоэффективности, поскольку больше транзисторов можно упаковать в меньшее пространство. Это может означать, что процессоры Zen 6 будут предлагать лучшую производительность на ватт по сравнению со своими предшественниками.

Теперь вы в курсе последних слухов и спекуляций вокруг процессоров Zen 6 «Медуза» и интеграции RDNA 5. Впереди увлекательные времена для игрового сообщества. Следите за обновлениями и дайте нам знать ваши мысли в комментариях ниже! 🎉✨

References:AMD Zen 14 Proцессоры: 4 Высокие Уязвимости безопасностиСлух: Консоль следующего поколения Xbox разработана DesGameTopersAMD выпускает обновление BIOS для серии Ryzen 8000G для исправления проблем с производительностьюRadeon RX 7800 XTСерия APU Ryzen 8000G

Источник изображения: AMD выпускает обновление BIOS серии Ryzen 8000G для устранения проблем с производительностью

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