Судьба 2 Перевоплощение PvP

Bungie представляет обширные планы по модернизации режимов PvP в Destiny 2, а также другие обновления


Bungie unveils Destiny 2 PvP revamp plans

Destiny 2, the popular action-packed online multiplayer game, is set to undergo a major transformation in its PvP modes. Bungie, the mastermind behind the game, has made some exciting announcements about the changes they have in store for Destiny 2’s Crucible Labs, Trials of Osiris, and matchmaking.

Bungie Reinventing PvP

Destiny 2 offers both player versus player (PvP) and player versus environment (PvE) activities. While the PvE aspect has been mostly well-received, the PvP community has voiced its concerns and requests for improvements. Bungie has been listening and has taken action, creating a dedicated PvP Strike Team to actively address these issues and gather player feedback.

This commitment to the PvP experience is evident in recent updates, as Bungie has introduced new game modes like Checkmate in Trials of Osiris and Sparrow Control mode. And now, they’re rolling out a fresh set of changes that are set to shake up the Crucible experience. Let’s dive into the details!

Map Makeovers and New Additions

In a recent blog post, the PvP Strike Team shared some quality-of-life enhancements planned for various maps and game modes in Crucible. Additionally, Bungie unveiled the highly-anticipated Destiny 2 PvP Map Pack, set to be released with the May update. This map pack will introduce three exciting new maps that will facilitate intense 3v3 game modes like Dominion, Clash, Survival, and a brand-new mode called Collision.

👉 Узнайте больше о Destiny 2 PvP Map Pack: Destiny 2 PvP Map Pack mentioned earlier by Joe Blackburn

Artifice Armor for the Competitive Mode

To make Crucible more rewarding, Bungie is introducing a way for players to obtain Artifice Armor from the Competitive mode. Previously, the only way to get one’s hands on this coveted armor was by playing Master-difficulty Dungeons. But now, players can farm Artifice Armor as it will have a chance to drop after completing the weekly challenge. In addition, end-of-match rewards have been ramped up to provide players with even more incentives.

👉 Узнайте больше о доспехах искусства: Obtaining Artifice Armor in Destiny 2

Persistence Prevails in Trials of Osiris

In the upcoming 7.3.5 update, Trials of Osiris will introduce the Passage of Persistence. This new passage will allow players to still earn adept weapons even after experiencing losses. Unlike before, losses will only remove the win from the card, rather than flawing the entire passage. This means that players can secure a weekly adept weapon regardless of their overall performance, giving them more opportunities to enhance their arsenals. However, these wins won’t count as flawless victories and won’t contribute towards farming the card for more adept drops.

More Changes on the Horizon

Aside from the aforementioned updates, Bungie is also fine-tuning other game modes, such as Clash and Iron Banner Tribute, for the next update. The team has also teased additional Destiny 2 PvP sandbox changes that will take effect with a future update. And let’s not forget about matchmaking! Bungie is stepping up its game by prioritizing lobby balancing, ensuring a more enjoyable and balanced Crucible experience across different game modes.

👉 Узнайте все о изменениях в sandbox Destiny 2 PvP: Destiny 2 Making Big PvP Sandbox Changes

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