Как овладеть искусством тяги и управления противниками в WWE 2K24

Покори своих противников в ринге, овладевая искусством борьбы и контроля в WWE 2K24.


WWE 2K24 Dragging Opponents Guide

Image Source: WWE 2K24

While wrestling can often be a battle of strength, technical wrestlers know that utilizing every trick in the book can give them an edge. Whether you’re a powerhouse or a high-flyer, knowing how to control the ring and manipulate your opponent is key to victory in WWE 2K24. So, if you’re struggling to figure out the ins and outs of dragging and controlling opponents, this guide is for you!

Controlling the Ring: The Path to Victory

Controlling the bout means staying one step ahead of your opponents and setting up opportunities to dish out even more pain. By mastering the art of manipulating your opponent, you’re paving the way for an easier victory. So, let’s dive into the world of WWE 2K24 and learn how to gain the upper hand.

How to Drag and Control Opponents in WWE 2K24

📷 Image Source: WWE 2K24

In order to gain the perfect position, you’ll need to take control of the ring and move your opponent through the art of dragging. Here’s how you do it:

  1. When your opponent is down on the mat or on the floor, or even while standing up, position yourself next to their body.
  2. Press the Circle/B button to initiate a grab.
  3. Once you’ve grabbed your opponent, press L1/LB to start dragging them.

While dragging, remember that you can release your grip on your opponent by pressing L1/LB again. Alternatively, if you want to utilize the environment to your advantage, unleash an attack by using the Square/X button. Just be mindful that your hold on your opponent won’t last long, especially if they’re still fresh and ready to fight back.

Make Your Move: Master the Drag and Set up for Victory

If all goes according to plan, you’ll be able to position your opponent for further damage, such as prepping them in the corner for a devastating finisher move. Plus, knowing how to control your opponent can also prevent those pesky rope breaks, ensuring your pin and win.

The Flipside: Escaping the Opponent’s Control

On the flipside, if you find yourself being dragged around by your opponent, don’t panic! It will take some time for your wrestler to shake off their grasp and launch a counterattack. Scratching your way out of this situation is easier when you’re fresh, but as the fight progresses, it might be wise to utilize other recovery techniques to avoid being continuously controlled.

Q&A: Your Burning Questions Answered

Q: Are there any other techniques I can use to control my opponents in WWE 2K24?

A: Absolutely! Alongside dragging, you can also unleash powerful strikes and grapples to keep your opponent on the back foot. Experiment with different techniques to find the ones that suit your playstyle best.

Q: Does the size and strength of my wrestler affect the effectiveness of dragging and control techniques?

A: While size and strength can impact certain aspects of the game, mastering the art of dragging and controlling opponents is a skill that can be utilized by wrestlers of any size. It’s all about strategy and execution.

Q: How can I recover from being controlled by an opponent in WWE 2K24?

A: To recover from being controlled, you can try utilizing reversal techniques, performing a quick recovery maneuver, or strategically retreating to create distance between you and your opponent. Remember, a smart wrestler knows when to retreat and regroup.

Q: Are there any specific training exercises or modes I can play to improve my dragging and controlling abilities?


A: Yes! WWE 2K24 предлагает различные режимы тренировок и упражнения, которые помогут вам отточить свои навыки. Воспользуйтесь этими режимами, чтобы практиковаться и совершенствовать свои техники перетаскивания и управления.

Для более ценной информации и советов по WWE 2K24, ознакомьтесь со следующими связанными ссылками:

  1. Овладейте искусством рестлинга в WWE 2K24
  2. Выполняйте ужасные финальные приемы в WWE 2K24
  3. Важность стратегии в WWE 2K24
  4. Реверсы и контры: Ключи к победе в WWE 2K24
  5. Лучшие рестлеры для овладения в WWE 2K24

Помните, владение искусством перетаскивания и контроля оппонентов может дать вам преимущество в любом матче. Так что отправляйтесь туда, подтверждайте свое доминирование и покоряйте ринг в WWE 2K24!

🔥 Какие ваше любимые техники управления оппонентами в WWE 2K24? Поделитесь своими стратегиями и отметьте своих рестлинг-друзей! Посмотрим, кто царит в квадратном круге! 💪✨

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