Популярная игра Balatro была снята с продажи в некоторых магазинах после сомнительной корректировки рейтингов.


Balatro: The Game That Gamble-Flipped its Rating

🎮🎲 Hold on to your chips and cards, folks, because the hit roguelike card game, Balatro, has just shuffled into some controversial waters! 🃏💦 This highly addictive game has been pulled from certain digital storefronts in the EU, including the Nintendo eShop and PSN Store, all because of a dramatic overnight ratings change. Talk about a wild card!

But don’t fret, my fellow gamers! Publisher PlayStack is here to save the day. They assure us that Balatro’s availability on Steam will remain intact, unaffected by this rating debacle. In a statement, they made it clear that the issue lies not with the stores themselves, but with a ratings board that made a sudden and unexpected shift in Balatro’s age rating.

According to the board, the game supposedly contains prominent gambling imagery and material that instructs about gambling. 🤔🎰 Now, PlayStack is crying foul, stating that they neither endorse nor allow gambling in their game, and that the ratings decision is completely unwarranted. The audacity! It’s like accusing a humble deck of cards of being a casino in disguise!

In fact, PlayStack raised this very topic with the ratings board back in October, and guess what rating they received? A humble 3+. Not even close to the dreaded 18+ threshold. So, this sudden change is not only confusing, it’s downright flabbergasting! 🤯 Maybe the board played a round of their own roguelike card game and lost badly, leading them to mistakenly believe that Balatro was the root cause of their gambling-related despair. Who knows?

But fear not, fans of Balatro! The developer is determined to get the game back up for sale, even if it means sporting a temporary 18+ rating while they sort out this mess. And if you’re across the pond in the United States, you can still get your hands on Balatro without any of these rating shenanigans. Lucky you! 🇺🇸💼

Now, I must bring up another unfortunate tale of a game meeting a similar fate. Sunshine Shuffle, a game that combined cute animals and poker, faced a temporary ban last year in certain markets. It seems that the combination of adorableness and gambling didn’t sit well with some regions. While it remained available on Steam and itch.io, poor Sunshine Shuffle was blocked from the Nintendo eShop in North America, and South Korea completely banned it. A tough break for those who find kittens and a round of poker a purrfect combo!

All this drama surrounding Balatro hasn’t stopped it from becoming a bona fide hit! Can you believe it sold a staggering 250,000 copies within a mind-boggling 72 hours across all platforms? 🎉📈💰 It’s no wonder that the first eight hours of sales alone raked in a cool $1 million, making the game profitable for the developer in just the first hour! Talk about hitting the jackpot! 💸💥

So, my fellow gamers, fear not the ratings shuffle! Balatro is determined to rise above this unexpected setback and continue entertaining us with its unique blend of roguelike and card game mechanics. Soon, it will be back on those digital shelves, ready for you to embark on your next gaming adventure.

🃏🎮 Let’s remember to support PlayStack and Balatro during this challenging time. Share this article with your fellow gamers and show the world that a little ratings hiccup won’t hinder our love for gaming and all its uncharted territories. 💪🌟

Q&A: Answering Your Burning Questions

Q: What is a roguelike card game? A: Ah, a great question, my inquisitive friend! A roguelike card game combines the beloved and unpredictable nature of roguelike games, where levels are randomly generated and a single death means starting over, with the strategic and tactical elements of a card game. It’s a captivating mix of luck, skill, and strategic decision-making. If you’re up for a challenging and ever-changing adventure, these games are right up your alley!

Q: How do age ratings for games work? A: Well, my curious companion, age ratings for games are typically determined by ratings boards or agencies that evaluate the content and assign an appropriate age recommendation. These ratings consider factors such as violence, language, sexual content, and, apparently, gambling. The goal is to provide guidance to consumers, parents, and guardians regarding suitable content for different age groups. However, as the Balatro controversy has shown, even ratings boards can sometimes suffer from mysterious and dramatic overnight changes!


Q: Есть ли другие игры, с которыми возникали проблемы, связанные с рейтингом? A: Конечно же! Мир игр не чужд проблемам, связанным с рейтингом. Помимо Balatro, милая игра Sunshine Shuffle столкнулась с временным запретом из-за сочетания милых животных и покера, как упоминалось в статье. Это идеальный пример того, как даже невинные и восхитительные игры могут стать жертвами ограничений по рейтингу на основе культурных чувствительностей или воспринимаемых азартных элементов. Кажется, что игры и азартные игры имеют с отношения “в отношении” снова и снова!

Q: Где я могу узнать больше о Balatro и PlayStack? A: Ах, жажда знаний! Если вы хотите погрузиться глубже в мир Balatro и узнать больше о PlayStack, вот несколько ценных ссылок для вашего игрового удовольствия:

Эти ссылки определенно утолят вашу жажду знаний и приблизят вас к увлекательному миру Balatro и игровому гению за ним, PlayStack.


И вот вам, дамы и господа! История Balatro, игры, оказавшейся втянутой в рейтинговую бурю. Мир игр никогда не короток на сюрпризы, повороты и взлеты, но с нашей поддержкой PlayStack и Balatro обязательно выйдут победителями. Давайте распространим информацию, поделимся этой статьей на наших любимых социальных медиаплатформах и дадим игровому сообществу знать, что ничто не сможет остановить нашу любовь к захватывающим, стратегическим и иногда абсурдным приключениям! 🌐👾❤️
