Понимание скорости работы в PALWORLD

Вы боретесь с медленным прогрессом в Palworld? Скорость работы - ключевой фактор.


🎮 Palworld Work Speed: The Key to Efficient Crafting and Building 🛠️

Are you tired of waiting forever for your crafting and building tasks to get done in Palworld? Well, my friend, I have the solution for you: Work Speed! 🏃‍♀️

In the vast open world of Palworld, where resources are abundant and adventures are aplenty, your base demands your attention and time. Whether you’re on a solo mission or accompanied by your trusty Pals, Work Speed is the stat that will make all the difference in completing tasks efficiently. ⏰

Что такое скорость работы? 🤔

Work Speed is one of the five character stats in Palworld that you can level up by investing skill points. Every time you level up this stat, you gain a permanent 50-point boost. 📈

When you embark on crafting an item or building something at your base, the game provides you with an estimated completion time. And guess what? The completion time depends on your character’s Work Speed stat. So, the higher the stat, the faster the completion! 💪

Imagine your character as a hardworking little elf armed with a tiny hammer. The faster they swing the hammer, the quicker they can build or craft. It’s simple, really. Just like a caffeinated squirrel can finish collecting acorns faster than a sleepy turtle, a character with a high Work Speed can breeze through tasks in no time! ☕🐿️🐢

На что влияет скорость работы? 🏗️

But wait, there’s more! Pals also have their own Work Speed stat, and it directly affects the completion time of various crafting and building tasks. From planting, watering, and harvesting crops to cooling and kindling, your Pals’ Work Speed plays a crucial role. 🌱💦

Let’s dive into an example to paint a clearer picture: If you assign a 1,000 workload task to a Pal with 70 Work Speed and Handiwork level one, it will take about 20 minutes to complete. However, if you have a Pal with the same Work Speed but Handiwork level four, the same workload can be completed in just 46 seconds! 🙌

It’s like the difference between being stuck in traffic during rush hour or zooming through an open road with no speed limits. You want your Pals to be the Formula 1 cars of the crafting and building world, not the old clunkers struggling to catch up! 🏎️

Как повысить скорость работы? ⚡

If you haven’t already invested skill points into your character’s Work Speed, it’s time to step up your game. Unlocking higher-level building and crafting items will leave you at a disadvantage without a decent Work Speed. Don’t worry, though! There’s a quick fix for that. 😉

The Memory Wiping Medicine is the key to resetting all the skill points you’ve invested in the game’s five character stats. It’s like a fresh start for your character, giving you a chance to allocate more points into Work Speed.

To create this magical medicine, you’ll first need to build the Electric Medicine Workbench, which becomes available once you reach Level 43 in the Technology Tree. 🌳

Once the Electric Medicine Workbench is up and running in your base, it’s time to gather the necessary materials for crafting the Memory Wiping Medicine. Here’s the shopping list:

  • 99 Beautiful Flowers 💐
  • 50 Horns 🦌
  • 50 Bones ☠️
  • 50 Pal Fluids 🧪

Gather these ingredients, combine them like a master potion brewer, and voila! You’ve got yourself a Memory Wiping Medicine ready to reset your character’s skill points. Time to invest them wisely, my friend! 🧪🧙‍♂️

🔗 Связанные темы: – Руководство по созданию в PalworldОсвоение строительства базы в PalworldВажность характеристик персонажаРазвитие потенциала ваших ПаловПовышение уровня технологического дерева


Мы надеемся, что этот руководство прояснило значение Скорости Работы в Palworld. Помните, что быстрый удар молотка может стать разницей между процветающей базой и бесконечным строительным участком. ⚒️

Итак, берите с собой, повышайте свою Скорость Работы и покоряйте Palworld, как настоящий чемпион в крафте и строительстве, кем вам предназначено быть! Не забывайте делиться своими советами и трюками с другими игроками и дайте миру узнать о своих скоростных досягнениях. 💨✨

Итак, выходите и делайте Palworld гордым! 🌟

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