Где найти и победить Меч Судьбы в Persona 3 Reload.
Persona 3 Reload Judgment Sword Weakness
The Tziah Block of Tartarus is like the upper crust of a scrumptious gaming pie in Persona 3 Reload. Within this delectable area, you’ll encounter formidable Floor Bosses and sneaky enemies lurking behind Monad Doors, armed with powerful abilities. Even if these adversaries fly solo, they’re no pushovers and can catch you off guard with unexpected tricks.
One of these sneaky foes you’ll encounter inside the Monad Doors is the Judgment Sword boss. This formidable enemy has a few weaknesses you can exploit and several methods to debuff its stats. If you’re craving an easy victory, then feast your eyes on this guide that will equip you with all the knowledge you need.
Where to Find Judgment Sword in Persona 3 Reload
The elusive Judgment Sword boss can only be found lurking behind the Monad Doors within the tantalizing Tziah Block of Tartarus. You can encounter this formidable foe on Floors 119 to 142, with the specific location varying slightly. In the case of this guide, the Judgment Sword was discovered on Floor 122, but don’t get too hung up on the numbers – the hunt is always exciting!
The great news is that the Judgment Sword will be flying solo, meaning you only need to concentrate on exploiting its weaknesses and unleashing a devastating All-Out Attack when the opportunity arises. Plus, with a Monad Door, you’ll only have to face one boss, unlike the treacherous Monad Passages.
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Now, let’s sprinkle a little extra flavor onto your battlefield experience. Make a pit stop at the incredible Fortune Teller in Club Escapade and treat yourself to the Soul Fortune for just 5,000 Yen. This enchanting boost will accelerate the charge rate of your team’s Theurgy Abilities, ensuring you have a lip-smacking advantage.
Judgment Sword Weakness in Persona 3 Reload

Now, let’s slice through the juiciest part of this battle strategy: the weaknesses and resistances of the Judgment Sword boss. Here’s a breakdown of what you need to know:
- Null: Pierce
- Drain: Electric
- Weak: Wind
In a nutshell, you’ll want to steer clear of using Pierce and Electric attacks on the Judgment Sword. These two feeble attempts will be futile, as the boss can effortlessly dodge and negate the damage. Instead, focus your efforts on unleashing the power of the wind! Channel the gusts of victory with characters like Yukari or the numerous Personas at the main character’s disposal, such as Power, Angel, and more. Land those wind attacks and knock the Judgment Sword silly for a perfect opportunity to unleash an All-Out Attack.
But wait, there’s more! Bring a character into the fray who can unleash debuffs on the Judgment Sword. Abilities like Matarunda (used by Akihiko) and Rakunda (possessed by various Personas) will prove invaluable in weakening the beast. Personas like Nekomata, Hua Po, Ara Mitama, and more can help turn the tide of battle in your favor. And if push comes to shove, don’t forget the option to use consumables to debuff the Judgment Sword. Resourcefulness is just one of many secret spices in a gamer’s arsenal.
Be wary, brave warriors, as there is a slim chance that your team may fall victim to the Judgment Sword’s Shock or Dizzy attacks. If one of your allies becomes afflicted with these debilitating conditions, have no fear! Yukari’s got your back with her incredible skill, Amrita Drop, which will cure all ailments for a single ally. Shock and Dizzy can seriously dampen your team’s spirits, making it harder for them to land their attacks, so be prepared. And should the opportunity arise, don’t hesitate to call upon your team’s Theurgy Attacks to deal a crippling blow and vanquish the Judgment Sword once and for all.
Дополнительная помощь: Вопросы и ответы
Q: Есть ли другие боссы в Тартарусе в Persona 3 Reload?
A: Конечно! Тартарус – это лабиринтная башня, заполненная вызывающими боссами и врагами, которые подстерегают на каждом повороте. Каждый блок Тартаруса содержит свой набор уникальных противников, делая игру незабываемой геймерской порой.
Q: Могу ли я победить Меч Суда, не эксплуатируя его слабости?
A: Хотя это возможно, это сделать нелегко. Эксплуатация слабостей – ключ к победе в Persona 3 Reload, и пренебрежение этим сделает битвы значительно более трудоемкими и длительными. Примите эти слабости и наблюдайте, как ваши враги падают перед вами!
Q: Какие другие стратегии я могу использовать, чтобы усилить свою команду в Persona 3 Reload?
A: Persona 3 Reload предлагает множество вариантов для укрепления вашей команды. Вы можете объединять более мощные Персоны, экипировать мощное оружие и доспехи, и оптимизировать способности своей команды через искусное управление социальными связями. Не забудьте исследовать различные функции и механику игры, чтобы открывать скрытые сокровища!
Так что экипируйтесь, возьмите в руки ваш надежный контроллер и отправляйтесь в незабываемое приключение, чтобы победить Меч Суда в очаровательном мире Persona 3 Reload. Пусть фортуна улыбнется вам и вашей команде при покорении формидабельных врагов, стоящих на вашем пути!
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