Многие игроки в Phasmophobia упускают из виду одно из самых простых достижений.

Игрок Phasmophobia раскрывает редкое достижение, которое получили немногие, оказывается, оно самое легкое в получении


The Easiest Phasmophobia Achievement Few Have Gotten


Phasmophobia, the survival horror sensation that took the gaming world by storm during the dark days of the pandemic, continues to captivate players with its immersive experience. While most players are drawn to the game’s spooky atmosphere and thrilling gameplay, there is one achievement that has managed to stay hidden in the shadows, overlooked by many. It’s time to shed some light on the “No More Training Wheels” achievement and discover why it’s surprisingly easy, yet elusive.

What is the “No More Training Wheels” achievement?


The “No More Training Wheels” achievement is a trophy that is awarded to new players who have successfully completed Phasmophobia’s tutorial. On the surface, it seems like a straightforward task that shouldn’t be too difficult to accomplish. However, only a minuscule 1.4% of players have managed to unlock this achievement. It’s so underrated that even veterans who have been playing since the early days of Phasmophobia seem to have missed it entirely.

Why is it so easy to overlook?


The primary reason why the “No More Training Wheels” achievement has gone unnoticed by many players is that it was introduced after the game’s initial release. This means that players who started playing Phasmophobia when it first came out weren’t aware of the existence of achievements. As a result, they never revisited the tutorial to unlock this seemingly insignificant trophy. It’s a classic case of players being too engrossed in the main game to bother with additional challenges.

A chance to join the ranks of the elusive few


If you’re a new player who wants to stand out from the crowd and earn the “No More Training Wheels” achievement, there’s still a chance for you to join the coveted 1.4%. Developer Kinetic Games continues to support Phasmophobia even after its initial release, with regular updates and patches. In fact, they recently released a new update in January 2024, which focused on improving graphics settings and enhancing the overall gameplay experience. The team behind Phasmophobia is committed to providing players with the best possible horror adventure.

What’s next for Phasmophobia fans?


While Phasmophobia fans patiently wait for new content and the highly anticipated console port, there are plenty of other thrilling horror games to explore. One such game is “The Outlast Trials,” set to release on March 5th. Although it might not have the innovative voice-based gameplay and paranormal setting of Phasmophobia, “The Outlast Trials” promises a spine-chilling atmosphere and item-based gameplay reminiscent of the first game in the series. With its class-based characters and focus on teamwork, it may appeal to fans of RPGs and cooperative mechanics. Brace yourself for another heart-pounding adventure!

🎥📸 Check out Phasmophobia in action:

  1. Console versions of Phasmophobia still on the way
  2. The Outlast Trials: A new horror game to look forward to

📣 What are your thoughts on the “No More Training Wheels” achievement in Phasmophobia? Have you unlocked it yet? Share your experiences in the comments below! And don’t forget to spread the word by sharing this article with your fellow gamers on social media. Let’s see if we can help increase that 1.4% statistic!
