Разрывая Геройскую Броню Как Наруто Потерял Свою Силу 💥🔥

Переизбыток брони сюжета может навредить любой истории, и повествование о Наруто, кажется, перегружено им.


Is Naruto Overpowered with Plot Armor?

The Naruto franchise is undoubtedly one of the most popular long-running shonen anime of all time. However, popularity doesn’t always equate to perfect storytelling. Naruto has faced its fair share of problems that have undermined the impact of the show. And one major culprit? Plot armor. 🛡️⚔️

🔥 Plot Armor: A Double-Edged Sword

Plot armor, the idea that certain characters are invincible and protected from death or defeat, is a necessary evil in storytelling. After all, we can’t have the show go on without our beloved protagonist. But when plot armor is overused, it becomes detrimental to the narrative. And Naruto is a prime example of this storytelling trap.

🌟 Naruto’s Usage of Plot Armor 🌟

Since the show’s continuation relies heavily on the protagonist, it’s no surprise that Naruto often receives hefty doses of plot armor. One notable instance is during the Fourth Great Ninja War when both Naruto and Sasuke gain absurd power-ups right after Hagomoro Otsutsuki’s appearance. But the problem lies in the excessive use of plot armor throughout the entire series. Characters are saved again and again, creating an inconsequential narrative that robs the show of its profundity.

📜 Major Instances of Plot Armor 📜

Let’s dive deeper into some of the major instances where plot armor reared its head in Naruto. Strap yourselves in, because this is going to be a wild ride! 🎢

Characters Cheating Death 💀

One prevalent use of plot armor in Naruto is characters surviving seemingly impossible fights. But what amplifies this form of plot armor is when the series itself establishes that death is inevitable, only to pull a “just kidding” card. For instance, Choji survives eating the Red Chilli Pill, thanks to the conveniently found cure invented by the Nara Clan. And remember when opening the Eighth Inner Gate was supposed to result in certain death? Well, Might Guy miraculously survives, leaving us scratching our heads. Gaara also cheats death, thanks to Granny Chiyo’s miraculous resurrection technique. These moments could have been profound, but they end up as nothing but sheer plot armor.

Characters Winning Lost Battles 🤔❗

We’ve all seen instances where protagonists gain sudden power-ups in the face of adversity. But Naruto takes it to another level by introducing unique powers out of nowhere. Naruto defeating Pain is a prime example of this. The odds were stacked against him, but miraculously, he finds a way to triumph over the seemingly unbeatable Six Paths of Pain. Sasuke’s victory against Itachi is another case of plot armor saving the day. Itachi clearly had the upper hand, but thanks to his conveniently unmentioned illness, Sasuke manages to prevail. And let’s not forget Rock Lee surviving his bout against Kimimaro, who meets an untimely demise due to an illness conveniently popping up at the right moment. Talk about luck!

Naruto’s “Talk no Jutsu” 🗣️😲

Ah, Naruto’s infamous “Talk no Jutsu.” While not exactly a technique, it’s Naruto’s way of convincing antagonists to change their evil ways by talking to them. Surprisingly, these attempts are often successful, averting disaster without a grand battle. Nagato, Obito, and even the Kages have all fallen victim to Naruto’s persuasive powers. It’s far-fetched even for a shonen anime. By resolving conflicts through talk rather than epic battles, Naruto undermines the essence of the show. It’s like winning a boxing match with a persuasive speech instead of throwing punches.

🔍 How Plot Armor Reduced Naruto’s Impact 🔍

While plot armor is expected to some extent, Naruto takes it to the extreme. By repeatedly saving characters from death or defeat, the show creates a sense that no matter how dire the situation, the protagonist will always prevail. This undermines the audience’s ability to relate to the narrative. The Fourth Great Ninja War compounds this issue by introducing new power-ups, turning villains into mere plot devices, and conveniently saving characters without proper explanations. As a result, Naruto lacks the depth and impact of more consequential anime.

🎬 Time to Stream Naruto on Prime Video 🎬

If you’re craving some action-packed ninja adventures, Naruto is available to stream on Prime Video. Grab some popcorn and immerse yourself in the world of ninjas, epic battles, and (yes, you guessed it) plot armor!


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➡️ Что насчет других аспектов Наруто? Мы покроем вас! ⬅️

Q: Есть ли в Наруто что-то кроме бронеплота? A: Абсолютно! В Наруто разнообразие персонажей, сложное построение мира и увлекательные сюжеты, которые затрагивают темы дружбы, верности и личного роста. Кроме того, серия исследует различные боевые техники и дзюцу, которые не дадут вам оторваться от экрана.

Q: Есть ли другие аниме, похожие на Наруто? A: Если вы ищете еще немного ниндзя-действия, вам может понравиться такой сериал, как “Боруто: Наруто Следующее Поколение”, продолжающий наследие Наруто. Вы также можете взглянуть на “Охотник х Охотник” за юношеским аниме с уникальными способностями и интенсивными битвами.

Q: Можете ли вы порекомендовать какие-либо видеоигры Наруто? A: Конечно! У Наруто есть широкий ассортимент видеоигр, позволяющих вам управлять вашими любимыми персонажами и испытывать мир ниндзя на себе. Некоторые популярные из них: “Наруто Шипуден: Вселенная Ниндзя 4” и “Наруто к Боруто: Шиноби Страйкер”.

💬 Поделитесь своими мыслями и распространите ниндзя-любовь! 💬

Вы фанат Наруто или скептик бронеплота? Поделитесь своими мыслями о сериале и его влиянии. И не забудьте распространить ниндзя-любовь, поделившись этой статьей с другими ниндзя-энтузиастами в социальных сетях! Поддерживайте дух ниндзя в живых! 🐱‍👤🔥
