Mогучие Пять Пожилых Раскрыта сила Святого Сатурна!

Почему святой Сатурн не оправдал ожидания фанатов (и причины этого)


Has Saint Saturn in One Piece been a letdown?

🌟 Highlights

  • The Five Elders’ involvement in One Piece’s Final Saga thrilled fans, revealing their strength at the Reverie.
  • Saint Saturn, one of the Elders, showcased incredible powers on Egghead Island, challenging even Luffy and others.
  • Despite setbacks in battle, Saturn’s true strength may still surpass Admirals, teasing potential trump cards.

One Piece’s Final Saga has brought about exciting developments, particularly in terms of the World Government’s increasing involvement. Fans have long awaited the moment when the powerful Five Elders would step onto the stage and display their might. Finally, their prayers were answered in the Final Saga, as the Five Elders became integral to the story, showcasing their strength at the Reverie. But it was Saint Saturn, one of the Elders, who stole the spotlight on Egghead Island, leaving fans with mixed feelings about his true power.

Saturn’s Arrival On Egghead 🏝️

saturn tries to kill bonney one piece 1105

To everyone’s surprise, Saint Saturn was revealed to be on one of the ships heading to Egghead Island. Initially unexpected, the reason for his presence became clear. Vegapunk, the brilliant Navy scientist, had taken an army of 50 Mark 3 Pacifistas and four Seraphims with him. As the highest authority overseeing Pacifistas, Saturn knew that he could easily turn the tides in favor of the Marines. Therefore, he decided to take matters into his own hands and head to the island himself. This unexpected turn of events set the stage for a showdown between Saturn and Vegapunk, enabling the Marines, led by Kizaru, to properly execute their job.

Saturn’s Powers 💥

saturn full zoan spider form one piece 1109

Midway through the Egghead Island arc, Saint Saturn revealed his true powers. Through a demonic summoning circle, he arrived on the island, taking the form of a giant Devil Fruit with striking semblance to the Ushi Oni, a Yokai from Japanese folklore. With the upper half of an ox and the lower half of a spider, Saturn possessed the ability to unleash devastating attacks simply by looking at his enemies. Even the likes of Luffy and Sanji suffered bleeding wounds from his potent glare. Furthermore, Saturn could immobilize his opponents with an invisible force, preventing even Yonko Commanders from moving. And if that wasn’t enough, his incredible regeneration ability allowed him to recover swiftly from any damage inflicted upon him. Saturn’s powers were truly formidable.

In addition to his existing abilities, Saturn showcased his full spider transformation in One Piece chapter 1108. Coated in a highly venomous substance, he could easily burn through anything, posing imminent danger with each strike. He could also employ his legs as whips, exhibiting remarkable speed. Clearly, Saint Saturn was an exceptionally powerful individual with numerous tricks up his sleeve. However, despite this display of power, fans felt somewhat let down by his performance on Egghead Island.

Saturn’s Showing On Egghead Island 🌪️

Saturn punched by Luffy

Saturn’s showcasing of incredible powers on Egghead Island left a bittersweet impression on fans. Initially, he engaged in battle against the Straw Hat Pirates and Vegapunk, effectively restraining them. However, his moments of triumph were short-lived as Kuma arrived and dealt a devastating blow to Saturn, sending him flying across the island. Later, when Luffy joined the fray, he also unleashed a powerful attack that launched Saturn into the air. In fact, Luffy was even able to restrain him within the grip of his hand. These events had many fans questioning Saturn’s true strength and feeling somewhat disappointed.


Однако очень важно учитывать обстоятельства, окружающие эти моменты. Тяжелое повреждение Сатурна можно приписать потребностям сюжета. Атака Кума служила цели истории, и Луффи должен был продемонстрировать свои атаки Бонни. Несмотря на эти неудачи, Сатурн все равно смог ранить Луффи, прежде чем был отброшен. Естественно, это заставляет задаться вопросом о том, насколько могущественны по-настоящему Пять Старших. Они кажутся превосходящими Адмиралов в силе, но по сравнению с устрашающими Йонко, они могут оказаться не такими уж и сильными. Тем не менее, сила Сатурна остается большей, чем у Адмиралов, что заслуживает похвалы.

Раздел вопросов и ответов 🤔

Q1: Существуют ли другие могущественные персонажи в Финальной Саге, кроме Пятерых Старших?

A1: Конечно! Финальная Сага представляет многочисленных могущественных персонажей, как друзей, так и врагов. Например, Императоры Моря, такие как Большая Мама и Кайдо, играют значительную роль в формировании событий.

Q2: Будут ли дальнейшие развития, связанные с Пятью Старшими, в истории?

A2: С развитием сюжета вероятно, что мы увидим больше вовлеченности Пятерых Старших. Их сила и влияние делают их ключевыми игроками в текущем повествовании.

Q3: Кто такие Адмиралы и как они сравниваются с Пятью Старшими?

A3: Адмиралы – мощные офицеры Морской Пехоты, известные своей невероятной силой. Хотя они сильны, похоже, что Пять Старших обладают еще большей силой.

Ссылки 📚

  1. Пять Старших стали неотъемлемой частью истории
  2. Кизару и Морские пехотинцы смогут справиться со своей работой
  3. Дополнение Sola Festival для Dead Island 2 поставило Dead Island 3 в неловкое положение
  4. One Piece: Бартоломью Кума Против Свт. ДжейГарсия Сатурна

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