Панцирь «Череп и кости» бессмысленен, – скорбно констатировали игроки.

Skull and Bones, возможно, решила выбрать более реалистичный вид, но включение полосы выносливости лодки кажется противоречащим этому подходу.


Skull and Bones: Sailing the High Seas with a Stamina Bar

Avast, mateys! Prepare to embark on a seafaring adventure as Skull and Bones grants players the power to command their own ships and immerse themselves in the world of piracy. But beware, for amidst the thrills and victories, there exists an element that threatens to shackle your ship and dampen the spirit of freedom on the open waters: the Stamina Bar. Yes, you read that correctly. Pirates, of all people, have a stamina bar now. It’s like making Captain Jack Sparrow count calories. It’s simply out of place!

Skull and Bones’ Stamina Bar Explained: A Curse Upon Wind-Powered Glory

As you set sail in Skull and Bones, traversing the vast expanses of the high seas, you may find that you want to speed things up a bit. After all, buried treasures and forgotten islands await your discovery, but they’re often spread far apart. In previous Ubisoft pirate extravaganzas like Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag and Assassin’s Creed Rogue, the wind governed the speed of your vessel. It was as simple and natural as the wind blowing through your hair. But Skull and Bones throws in a twist: the stamina bar.

The stamina bar is supposedly a representation of your crew’s energy. As it depletes, your ship must slow down until recharged. To refill this energy reserve, players can either wait patiently as their crew recuperates or feed them hearty meals, with cooked dishes being the most effective. Additionally, the stamina bar can be bolstered by unlocking special furniture for your ship or by partaking in the mystical powers of Pirate Bonfires scattered throughout the game world.

The Stamina Bar in Skull and Bones: A Fish Out of Water

Now, let’s talk about the elephant in the cabin. Why, oh why, does a pirate game need a stamina bar? It feels as out of place as a parrot at a black-tie event. In a world where the wind has always dictated a ship’s speed, the inclusion of a stamina bar doesn’t sit well. Ubisoft’s previous pirate-themed games never burdened us with such contrivances. In Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag, sailing at breakneck speeds was the norm, allowing players to reach their destinations swiftly. The ship’s speed was governed by the wind, and that was all. Realism and wind-whipped action were perfectly balanced.

Skull and Bones’ stamina bar seems like a needless addition that holds players back in a sandbox that calls for swift movement. Not only does it defy realism, but it also contradicts the design philosophy of its predecessors. This inclusion may have some hidden motives behind the scenes, but on the surface, it appears to serve only as a forced interaction with game mechanics, needlessly slowing players down and hampering their pirate escapades.

Q&A: Addressing the Concerns of Brave Buccaneers

Q: Can the stamina bar be disabled or modified in the game’s settings?

A: Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be an option to disable or modify the stamina bar in Skull and Bones. It’s an integral part of the game’s mechanics, so you’ll just have to learn to navigate the high seas with this peculiar addition.

Q: Are there any advantages to managing the stamina bar effectively?

A: While managing the stamina bar can be a bit of a hassle, doing so effectively can ensure that you maintain a steady pace throughout your journey. This can be especially helpful when trying to escape pursuing enemies or when participating in intense naval battles.

Q: Will Ubisoft consider removing the stamina bar based on player feedback?

A: As of now, it’s unclear whether Ubisoft has plans to remove or alter the stamina bar. However, player feedback plays a crucial role in shaping a game’s future updates and patches, so make your voice heard on official forums and social media channels to let them know your thoughts.

Conclusion: Charting a Course Forward

Skull and Bones, with its stunning seafaring gameplay and immersive pirate experience, has the potential to be a true gem in the gaming world. However, the inclusion of a stamina bar, while attempting to add complexity and variety, feels like throwing a wooden leg on a perfectly agile pirate. It hampers the realistic pirate feel and restricts the freedom of movement that was present in previous Ubisoft titles. Whether the stamina bar stays or gets tossed overboard remains to be seen. But for now, sharpen your cutlasses, hoist the sails, and navigate these treacherous waters as best you can.



  1. Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag – Ubisoft
  2. Assassin’s Creed Rogue – Ubisoft
  3. The Games – Ubisoft Backs Away from VR with Disappointing Assassin’s Creed Nexus Sales
  4. The Different Meals of Skull and Bones – Developer Blog
  5. Skull and Bones – Официальный веб-сайт

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