🌾 Самые уютные фермерские игры Пышный урожай расслабления и веселья! 🌾
Путешествуйте в очаровательные фермерские игры, такие как Littlewood и Lemon Cake, для освежающего отдыха от Stardew ...

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- Покемон Хоум Как перенести покемонов в игры Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl In this guide, we will show you how to transfer your beloved Pokemon from Pokemon Home to the exciting new remakes, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. So grab your Pokeballs and get ready to embark on a nostalgic journey! Step 1 Prepare Your Pokemon Home Account Before we can transfer our Pokemon, make sure you have a Pokemon Home account. If you don’t have one yet, don’t worry! You can easily download the app from the Nintendo eShop and set up your account. Once you have your account ready, proceed to the next step. Step 2 Start Pokemon Home Launch the Pokemon Home app on your Nintendo Switch or mobile device. Make sure you are connected to the internet and log in to your Pokemon Home account. Step 3 Connect Pokemon Home with Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl To transfer your Pokemon, you need to establish a connection between Pokemon Home and Pokemon Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl. On the main menu of Pokemon Home, select the Nintendo Switch icon. Step 4 Link Your Game In Pokemon Home, select the Pokemon icon at the bottom of the screen. This will take you to the Pokemon management screen. From here, select the game you want to link, which in this case is either Pokemon Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl. Step 5 Choose Your Pokemon Now it’s time to choose the Pokemon you want to transfer. You can select individual Pokemon or transfer entire boxes. Once you’ve made your selection, confirm your choices and proceed to the next step. Step 6 Transfer Your Pokemon Sit back and relax as Pokemon Home transfers your selected Pokemon to Pokemon Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl. The transfer process may take some time, so be patient and resist the urge to play with your Pokemon while they’re on their way. Step 7 Collect Your Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl Once the transfer is complete, launch Pokemon Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl. In the game, head to a Pokemon Center and speak to the NPC in the middle of the room. They will help you collect your transferred Pokemon and add them to your party or storage. Congratulations! You have successfully transferred your Pokemon from Pokemon Home to Pokemon Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl. Now you can continue your adventure with your favorite Pokemon by your side. Good luck and have a great time exploring the Sinnoh region!
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