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- The Sims 4 Как изменить сезоны In this guide, we will dive into the world of The Sims 4 and learn how to change the seasons in your virtual neighborhood. Whether you’re tired of perpetual summer or you’re craving some winter wonderland, we’ve got you covered. So grab your winter coat or your swimsuit, because we’re about to make some weather magic happen! Step 1 Open up your game and load your desired household. Make sure you have the Seasons expansion pack installed. If you don’t, well, you’re out of luck. Maybe you can try doing a rain dance in real life instead. Step 2 Once you’re in your household, click on the phone icon in the bottom left corner of the screen. No, not your real phone, the in-game phone. We don’t want you accidentally calling your grandma and asking her to change the weather for you. Step 3 In the phone menu, click on the Seasons tab. Here you will find a variety of options to customize your neighborhood’s climate. You can choose between spring, summer, fall, and winter. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can even opt for random seasons. Who needs predictability anyway? Step 4 Once you’ve chosen your desired season, click on the Apply Season Changes button. Brace yourself, because the weather is about to change faster than a toddler’s mood swings. Don’t be surprised if you suddenly find yourself surrounded by snow or enjoying a sunny day at the beach. The Sims world can be unpredictable like that. Step 5 Sit back, relax, and enjoy your new season. Maybe throw a winter party or have a summer barbecue. The possibilities are endless. Just remember, with great weather comes great responsibility. Don’t forget to dress your Sims appropriately and take care of their needs accordingly. Hypothermia or heatstroke is not a good look on anyone. And there you have it, folks. You are now the master of seasons in The Sims 4. Whether you want to frolic in the autumn leaves or make snow angels in the winter, you can now control the weather with just a few clicks. So go forth and create your own virtual wonderland. Just don’t forget to come back to reality every once in a while. Happy simming!
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