Gearbox на грани покидает группу Embracer, продолжаются сокращения

Эмбрейсер приобрел компанию Gearbox всего три года назад


Gearbox, the Borderlands studio, is reportedly being sold off as Embracer continues its $2 billion downward spiral.


Subtitle: Is Gearbox about to cut ties with Embracer Group? The studio’s future hangs in the balance.

🔎 Keyword: Gearbox, Embracer Group, layoffs, restructuring

Gearbox, the renowned gaming studio behind the popular Borderlands franchise, may soon bid farewell to its current parent company, Embracer Group. As Embracer Group undergoes significant staff and studio layoffs as part of a restructuring effort, Gearbox is looking to secure a deal with a potential buyer. Just three years ago, Embracer Group acquired Gearbox for a staggering $1.3 billion. Now, the studio is exploring its options, which include staying with Embracer, selling to another company, or regaining its independence.

The Tumultuous Journey of Gearbox

🎮 Chapter keyword: Gearbox, Embracer Group, Borderlands franchise

When Embracer Group acquired Gearbox, it seemed like a match made in heaven. With the immense success of the Borderlands franchise, Gearbox was not only a valuable addition to Embracer’s portfolio but also a studio with great potential. However, things have taken an unexpected turn. Gearbox, known for its innovative gameplay mechanics and engaging storytelling, found itself in a rapidly contracting studio lineup.

Uncertainty Looms Over Gearbox’s Future

🤔 Chapter keyword: Gearbox, selling, independence

Reports suggest that Gearbox is nearing a deal with an undisclosed buyer. While the identity of the prospective owner remains a mystery, the imminent change has employees buzzing with anticipation. In a recent meeting, CEO Randy Pitchford shared that Gearbox has the option of staying with Embracer, selling to another company, or returning to its former state of independence. With option two progressively moving towards fruition, the gaming community eagerly awaits further announcements.

🗣️ Q&A – What are the potential benefits for Gearbox if they sell to another company?

If Gearbox decides to sell to another company, it could potentially gain access to additional resources, technologies, and expertise that can enhance its game development capabilities. This could lead to even more impressive titles, improved graphics, and innovative gameplay mechanics.

Embracer Group’s Cost-Cutting Measures

🔥 Chapter keyword: Embracer Group, cost-cutting, Saber Interactive, layoffs

Embracer Group’s recent cost-cutting efforts have only added to the turmoil within the gaming industry. In addition to the potential sale of Gearbox, Embracer-owned Saber Interactive, known for their work on the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic remake, is also reportedly being sold off in a separate $500 million deal. Last year alone, Embracer silently canceled 29 unannounced games and shut down seven studios within a six-month period.

What Lies Ahead for Gearbox?

🔮 Chapter keyword: Gearbox, future, projects

While Gearbox has not officially confirmed the impending deal, CEO Randy Pitchford cheekily addressed the rumors during an interview with Kotaku. He expressed gratitude for the interest in the studio’s future and hinted at exciting projects to come. As the gaming community eagerly awaits the official announcement, Gearbox continues to work tirelessly to achieve its mission of entertaining the world.

Reference List

  1. Gearbox may be the next to escape Embracer Group
  2. Embracer Group layoffs
  3. Borderlands 4: Gearbox’s potential acquisition
  4. Change in character role for Borderlands 4
  5. Take-Two and the potential for a new franchise
  6. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands and its success
  7. Embracer Group’s cancellations and studio shutdowns
  8. Deus Ex game in development


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