Как Dragon Ball Super освежает трансформации супер-саяна

`Трансформации Супер-Саяна признаны универсально как самые культовые когда-либо, однако их частое использование в конечном итоге привело к еще более совершенным формам.`


The Impact of Super Saiyan Overuse on Form Evolution

Goku’s transformation into a Super Saiyan remains, undoubtedly, the most iconic moment in all of anime. This pivotal moment set the stage for the future of the Dragon Ball series, showcasing the immense power and potential of Saiyans. However, as the series progressed, the Super Saiyan transformations became overused, losing their impact and becoming repetitive. But fear not, Dragon Ball Super came to the rescue, introducing character-specific transformations that rejuvenated the series and offered unique fighting styles.

Evidence For Super Saiyan’s Overuse

Throughout the Namek Saga and beyond, the Super Saiyan transformation became the standard for Saiyan warriors. With each new villain, the Saiyans needed to unlock even more power to defeat them. However, as the series continued, these transformations began to lose their luster. The introduction of Super Saiyan Grades 2 and 3 only made the forms bulkier without adding much in terms of new fighting styles or design. Even Goten and Trunks effortlessly achieved Super Saiyan without proper training, further diluting the significance of the form. It was clear that a change was needed.

What forms do this the most?

While the different Super Saiyan transformations share similarities in their appearance, there are slight variations in power and functionality. Super Saiyan Grade 1 and 4, for example, are virtually identical, with Grade 4 offering better stamina conservation. Super Saiyan Grades 2 and 3 are bulkier and slower but offer increased physical power. Super Saiyan 2 is only slightly different from the original form, with spikier hair and lightning in its aura.

How Super Changes This Trend

Dragon Ball Super recognized the need for fresh and distinctive transformations. Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue revolutionized the series by introducing visually striking forms. Super Saiyan God made the user leaner, with red hair and aura, and granted the ability to fight on par with gods. Super Saiyan Blue mixed the Super Saiyan form with God Ki, resulting in blue hair and enhanced performance. Goku and Vegeta’s individual paths towards maximum strength were finally showcased, with Goku mastering Kaioken x20 and Vegeta unlocking the Evolved Blue form.

The character-specific transformations took the series to new heights. Goku attained Ultra Instinct, a technique mastered by the Angels, emphasizing his expertise in martial arts. Vegeta tapped into his destructive nature, unlocking Ultra Ego, a technique used by the Gods of Destruction. These divine techniques not only offered unique fighting styles but also pushed the characters to the pinnacle of strength.

In addition, Gohan Beast and Legendary Super Saiyan Broly showcased that regurgitating the same transformations for each character is not the only way to make them stronger. These forms, although more straightforward in their abilities, demonstrated that character-specific transformations are the new path to power.

The Lessons To Learn From GT

While Dragon Ball GT had its flaws, one aspect it excelled at was character design. Super Saiyan 4 proved to be the best-designed form in the franchise to date. Its distinctive appearance and incredibly powerful attacks made it memorable. By implementing similar design philosophies from GT, Dragon Ball Super can create even more unique and visually appealing forms. Super Saiyan 4’s connection to the origins of the Saiyans makes it a perfect addition to the franchise.

Dragon Ball можно смотреть на Crunchyroll и Funimation.

MORE: Dragon Ball: Is Vegeta About To Get Left In The Dust Again?

Q&A: Additional Topics

Q: Will we see new transformations in future Dragon Ball series or movies?
A: There’s a high likelihood that future Dragon Ball installments will introduce new and exciting transformations. The franchise continuously seeks innovative ways to evolve its characters, and new forms are an integral part of that evolution. Fans can expect both familiar and brand-new transformations to keep the series fresh and captivating.

Q: Are there any transformations in Dragon Ball Super that surpass Super Saiyan Blue?
A: Yes, Dragon Ball Super introduces transformations beyond Super Saiyan Blue. Goku’s mastery of Ultra Instinct and Vegeta’s Ultra Ego represent power levels that surpass even Super Saiyan Blue. These divine techniques unlock new levels of strength and provide unique fighting styles for the characters.


Q: Как отличаются персонаж-специфические преобразования от предыдущих форм?
A: В отличие от предыдущих форм Супер Саяна, которые были доступны всем саянам универсально, персонаж-специфические преобразования подходят под силы и особенности каждого персонажа. Ультра Инстинкт подчеркивает мастерство Гоку в боевых искусствах, позволяя ему использовать силы Ангелов. Ультра Эго, с другой стороны, демонстрирует разрушительную способность и бойцовский характер Вегеты, позволяя ему освоить силы Богов Разрушения.

Q: Сможет ли Супер Саян 4 вернуться в будущем контенте Dragon Ball?
A: Хотя в Dragon Ball Super еще не был представлен Супер Саян 4, это остается популярной среди поклонников формой из Dragon Ball GT. Уникальный дизайн и мощные атаки Супер Саяна 4 делают его сильным кандидатом на появление в последующих частях франшизы. Фанаты с нетерпением ждут возможности его возвращения и надеются увидеть его в текущем сюжете.

Q: Где можно смотреть Dragon Ball онлайн?
A: Dragon Ball можно смотреть на Crunchyroll и Funimation, предоставляя поклонникам доступ ко всей серии и последним эпизодам. Эти платформы предлагают удобный способ смотреть все эпические схватки и преобразования из мира Dragon Ball.

[Reference Links] – Dragon Ball Sparking Zero’s Xbox File Size Seemingly LeakedDragon Ball: Frieza’s Transformations ExplainedWith Super Saiyan Grades 2 and 3Super Saiyan 3 is very reminiscentGod of War Ragnarok’s Valhalla DLC Makes a Compelling Argument for OG RemakesCrunchyrollFunimationDragon Ball: Is Vegeta About To Get Left In The Dust Again?

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