Покемоны, Варкрафт и Sea of Thieves присоединяются к мемам Glasgow Willy Wonka Experience.
Неделю спустя к мемам на тему 'Глазго Вилли Вонка Экспириенс' присоединились Покемон, Варкрафт и Море ворей. Билеты стоят 35 фунтов.
Pokémon and Warcraft team up for Glasgow Willy Wonka Experience meme.

The Glasgow Willy Wonka Experience memes have taken the internet by storm, with players and now even video game makers and publishers joining in on the fun. Pokémon, Warcraft, and Sea of Thieves have all jumped on the meme bandwagon, bringing their own unique twists to the viral sensation.
World of Warcraft and Sea of Thieves Get in on the Action
Both World of Warcraft and Sea of Thieves have joined the meme fest with their own renditions of the sad Oompa Loompa. Warcraft’s official Twitter account (@Warcraft) shared its version, while Sea of Thieves’ social media (@SeaOfThieves) reminded us that the Unknown is actually a friendly photographer and not an otherworldly villain.
Check out World of Warcraft’s sad Oompa Loompa meme: Warcraft Tweet
And here’s Sea of Thieves’ revelation about the Unknown: Sea of Thieves Tweet
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Pokémon Unown Takes the Stage
Pokémon took a simpler approach, using the Unown Pokémon to create an effective meme. The Unown are known for their peculiar shapes, which allowed them to respond to a poor child’s protests as they appeared from behind a mirror.
Check out the Pokémon Unown meme: Pokémon Tweet
It seems fitting that the Unown, with their mysterious nature and psychic abilities, would have their own party to dish out some psychic damage to any children who lay eyes on them.
Video Game Fans Continue the Memes
Of course, the memes didn’t stop there. Video game fans have also joined in the fun, with someone even recreating the Glasgow Willy Wonka Experience in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. In less than 24 hours, the warehouse from the event made its way into the beloved simulation game.
Check out the Animal Crossing recreation: Animal Crossing Tweet
Animal Crossing fan Haztecamarera did an impressive job recreating photos from the event. It seems even the mysterious Unknown tried its hardest to be scary in the cute and charming world of Animal Crossing.
The Unknown Makes a Persona Appearance
And finally, we have The Unknown making its unexpected debut as a Persona boss. The actor’s movements in the accompanying video perfectly match the beat of the music, leaving us both impressed and slightly worried.
Check out The Unknown as a Persona boss: Persona Tweet
With the Glasgow Willy Wonka Experience memes spreading like wildfire, it’s no surprise that the gaming community has embraced them with open arms. It’s a testament to the creativity and sense of humor that permeates the gaming world.
Q&A: Additional Memes and More
Q: Are there any other video game memes inspired by the Glasgow Willy Wonka Experience?
Of course! The gaming community is full of creative individuals, and they never fail to take a meme and run with it. Some fans have created memes featuring characters from other popular games, such as Mario, Sonic, and even Fortnite. These memes incorporate the iconic elements of the Glasgow event into the worlds of these beloved games, resulting in hilarious and entertaining content.
Q: Могу ли я принять участие в забаве с мемами, даже если я не фанат видеоигр?
Конечно! Хотя эти мемы возникли в игровом сообществе, их юмор и креативность могут быть оценены любым, кто обладает чувством юмора. Независимо от того, знакомы ли вы с играми или нет, юмористические повороты и умные отсылки в этих мемах обязательно вызовут у вас улыбку на лице.
Q: Является ли Глазго Парк Вилли Вонка реальным мероприятием?
Нет, Глазго Парк Вилли Вонка – это не реальное событие. Это началось как мем в социальных сетях, где игроки и фанаты создавали юмористические и преувеличенные истории о вымышленном событии, вдохновленном шоколадной фабрикой Вилли Вонки. Мемы стали популярными, и даже создатели видеоигр и издатели присоединились к веселью. Хоть и физического события может и не быть, но мемы на самом деле захватили воображение многих.
Ресурсы: 1. Warcraft Tweet 2. Sea of Thieves Tweet 3. Pokémon Tweet 4. Animal Crossing Tweet 5. Persona Tweet
🎮🤣 Что происходит, когда вы совмещаете Покемонов, Warcraft и Sea of Thieves с мемами Глазго Парка Вилли Вонка? Веселье начинается! Посмотрите, как эти легенды видеоигр приносят свои собственные повороты в этот вирусный тренд. Не пропустите печальных Оомпа-Лумпа, загадочных Unown и даже The Unknown в качестве босса Persona. Это безумие мемов! 😄 Поделитесь смехом и распространите радость в социальных сетях! 🌟